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- G'day!
- And welcome to...
- Keep v0.9
- Keep is a utility program for BBS and network junkies like
- myself who download messages in one large file and then read them
- off-line. Using only the mouse, you can drive through such files a
- message at a time, examine each at your leisure and tag those you
- wish to keep. When the entire file has been examined, Keep goes
- through the file once more and stores those messages that have been
- so tagged. The original file is left intact.
- The program is currently runnable only from the CLI. You can
- invoke it in a number of ways. The recommended one is as follows:
- run keep
- This program uses Charlie Heath's excellent file requester to pick
- the file to be examined. Believe me, it's a lot faster than typing
- it in.
- However, you can specify the source file from the CLI thusly:
- run keep message_file
- This will examine the file message_file and store the messages to be
- kept in the file message_file.kpt, in the directory where the source
- file resides.
- If you wish to cross directories, you can enter, for example
- run keep df1:message_file to df0:file_name
- The .kpt extension will be automatically appended to the destination
- file name. However, you must specify a destination file name! Simply
- entering, for example,
- run keep df1:message_file to df0:
- will not work.
- Keep opens its own screen to the same size as the Workbench
- screen (640 x 200 or larger). This is handy if you are using
- morerows or interlace to get a larger display area.
- Keep assumes that message files consist of lines of no more
- than 120 characters, ending with CR and/or LF. Any non-text
- character contained in the line before the CR/LF will be displayed
- -- usually as a rectangle; the CR/LF do not appear. They are,
- however, left intact.
- Once running, keep is (or should be) self-explanatory. A
- possible source of ambiguity is the gadgets at the top of the
- window. Selection of the arrows pointing up and down permit the user
- to page through the text of the message. The KEEP and DUMP gadgets
- tag the message and advance to the next message. You can select the
- left-pointing arrow to back up to the previous message. Here you can
- change the fate of the message by selecting the appropriate KEEP or
- DUMP gadget. However, you must return to the current message by
- selecting the right-pointing arrow before you can move on to the
- next message in the file.
- You can at any time change the name of the destination file by
- selecting To... under the Project menu.
- Skip terminates examination of the current file and saves what
- messages had been tagged up to that point.
- Abort terminates examination of the current file completely and
- restarts the program.
- About provides some speculation as to the inspiration of the
- Guru's meditations...
- And Quit exits the program.
- Keep does not have to be used exclusively for information
- services. It can work with any text database that uses a repeating
- header at the beginning of each record and fields of no more than
- 120 characters delimited with CR and/or LF. It looks for a key
- string of five characters or less -- the shorter the string, the
- faster the search. You can see which ones I have chosen: each time a
- network gadget is selected in the service requester, the Key string
- string gadget is updated. You can click on this gadget to customize
- the key string.
- If the program encounters a read error in the message file, it
- will save those messages currently tagged and offer to restart the
- program -- in other words, it will behave as if you had selected the
- Skip option.
- If the program encounters an error during the writing of the
- destination file, it will close that file and save to ram: instead
- -- very handy if you just spent four hours going through 700+
- messages. In this case, however, the default destination file name
- will be used.
- Enhancements to future versions of Keep may include:
- 1. Much more attractive, Image-rendered gadgets.
- 2. Workbench support.
- 3. CLI and menu support for interlace.
- 4. More polished mutual exclude in the service requester.
- 5. Support for other fonts.
- 6. Depth arrangement gadgets. The screen can be pulled down
- in this version -- two pixels of the screen behind are
- there to grab.
- 7. Support for other BBSs and networks.
- 8. Support for arbitrarily large files and messages. In this
- version, Keep is confined to files containing up to 2000
- messages or records. In addition, it reads in no more than
- 1000 lines at a time. This latter aspect does not compromise
- the operation of the program should the message be larger
- than 1000 lines. It simply splits it into smaller pieces.
- If you want to save a complete message, save all the pieces.
- 9. More elegant command line parsing.
- 10. The ability to use the mouse to mark portions of
- messages for keeping.
- 11. Word wrap for lines longer than 80 characters.
- 12. Scrolling, rather than paging of text.
- 13. A proportional gadget to indicate the current position in
- the source file.
- The shareware program blitzfonts works with Keep and is highly
- recommended.
- Known bugs: Only one, that I know of, and rather obscure. If
- you were to click on the left-pointing arrow to review the previous
- message, and that message had been longer than 1000 lines and
- consequently truncated, the program will go into an endless loop if
- you page down to the end of the message. For some reason I have yet
- to fathom, the null pointer that marks the end of the buffer
- vanishes and my pageprint() function gets lost.
- I would like to thank Charlie Heath, William Volk, and Chris
- Zamara for their help. I especially would like to thank the real
- Nick Sullivan, for his endlessly patient assistance. Keep is a
- direct descendant, several generations removed, of a program Nick
- wrote in CBM Basic and 6502 ML for the C64 and PET 8032.
- My greatest debt is to my wife Cate and my son Alex, for their
- love. (Oh Puke Puke!! C.R.Larcombe)
- Copyright Notice: Keep is copyright (c) 1987 by Tim Grantham. It may
- not be copied, nor sold for profit, nor altered in any way, without
- the permission of the author. Said author may be reached at:
- 55 Sorauren Ave.
- Toronto, Ontario
- Canada. M6R 2C9
- (416) 535-1721
- or on:
- PeopleLink: AMTAG
- BIX: dispatcher
- GEnie: t.grantham
- CIS: 71426,1646
- Subscribe to The Transactor for the Amiga, for the best in Amiga
- coverage, including Amiga Dispatches by yours truly. The Transactor
- also operates the Commodore forums CBMPRG and CBMCOM on Compuserve.